General Information

Database accession: MF7000855

Name: AtRbcX2 (Arabidopsis thaliana)

PDB ID: 4gr6 PDBe

Experimental method: X-ray (2.00 Å)

Assembly: Homodimer

Source organism: Arabidopsis thaliana

Primary publication of the structure:

Kolesinski P, Golik P, Grudnik P, Piechota J, Markiewicz M, Tarnawski M, Dubin G, Szczepaniak A
Insights into eukaryotic Rubisco assembly - crystal structures of RbcX chaperones from Arabidopsis thaliana.

(2013) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1830: 2899-906

PMID: 23295968 PubMed


Not available.

Function and Biology Annotations from the GeneOntology database. Only terms that fit at least two of the interacting proteins are shown.

Molecular function:

protein folding chaperone protein folding chaperone GeneOntology

Biological process:

carbon fixation carbon fixation GeneOntology

chaperone-mediated protein folding chaperone-mediated protein folding GeneOntology

photosynthesis photosynthesis GeneOntology

ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase complex assembly ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase complex assembly GeneOntology

Cellular component:

chloroplast stroma chloroplast stroma GeneOntology

Structure Summary Structural annotations of the participating protein chains.

Entry contents: 2 distinct polypeptide molecules

Chains: A, B

Notes: All chains according to the most probable oligomerization state stored in PDBe were considered.

Number of unique protein segments: 1

Chain A

Name: Chaperonin-like RbcX protein 2, chloroplastic

Source organism: Arabidopsis thaliana

Length: 203 residues


UniProtKB AC: Q8L9X2 (positions: 88-191) UniProt

Coverage: 51%

Chain B

Name: Chaperonin-like RbcX protein 2, chloroplastic

Source organism: Arabidopsis thaliana

Length: 203 residues


UniProtKB AC: Q8L9X2 (positions: 88-192) UniProt

Coverage: 51%

Evidence Evidence demonstrating that the participating proteins are unstructured prior to the interaction and their folding is coupled to binding.

Representative domain in related structures: Chaperonin-like RbcX

Evidence level: Indirect evidence

Evidence coverage: The full structure participates in mutual synergistic folding.

Complex Evidence:

There is no information on the stability/disoder of the monomeric forms. However, RbcX is a dimer in solution (PMID:17574029) and its biologically relevant form is the homodimer (a monomeric form with this fold is not known PMID:23295968, PMID:21821880). The structure is highly intertwined with the interface being extended and hydrophobic between the two four-helix-bundle cores and by the exchange of the C-terminal parts of the long a4 helices between the two subunits (PMID:21821880).

Chain A:


Chain B:


Surface and contacts features:

Related Structure(s) Structures from the PDB that contain the same number of proteins, and the proteins from the two structures show a sufficient degree of pairwise similarity, i.e. they belong to the same UniRef90 cluster (the full proteins exhibit at least 90% sequence identity) and convey roughly the same region to their respective interactions (the two regions from the two proteins share a minimum of 70% overlap).

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