General Information

Database accession: MF7000757

Name: CouR with p-coumaroyl-CoA (Rhodococcus jostii RHA1)

PDB ID: 5cyv PDBe

Experimental method: X-ray (1.52 Å)

Assembly: Homodimer

Source organism: Rhodococcus jostii

Primary publication of the structure:

Otani H, Stogios PJ, Xu X, Nocek B, Li SN, Savchenko A, Eltis LD
The activity of CouR, a MarR family transcriptional regulator, is modulated through a novel molecular mechanism.

(2016) Nucleic Acids Res. 44: 595-607

PMID: 26400178 PubMed


CouR, a MarR-type transcriptional repressor, regulates the cou genes, encoding p-hydroxycinnamate catabolism in the soil bacterium Rhodococcus jostii RHA1. The CouR dimer bound two molecules of the catabolite p-coumaroyl-CoA (Kd = 11 ± 1 μM). The presence of p-coumaroyl-CoA, but neither p-coumarate nor CoASH, abrogated CouR's binding to its operator DNA in vitro. The crystal structures of ligand-free CouR and its p-coumaroyl-CoA-bound form showed no significant conformational differences, in contrast to other MarR regulators. The CouR-p-coumaroyl-CoA structure revealed two ligand molecules bound to the CouR dimer with their phenolic moieties occupying equivalent hydrophobic pockets in each protomer and their CoA moieties adopting non-equivalent positions to mask the regulator's predicted DNA-binding surface. More specifically, the CoA phosphates formed salt bridges with predicted DNA-binding residues Arg36 and Arg38, changing the overall charge of the DNA-binding surface. The substitution of either arginine with alanine completely abrogated the ability of CouR to bind DNA. By contrast, the R36A/R38A double variant retained a relatively high affinity for p-coumaroyl-CoA (Kd = 89 ± 6 μM). Together, our data point to a novel mechanism of action in which the ligand abrogates the repressor's ability to bind DNA by steric occlusion of key DNA-binding residues and charge repulsion of the DNA backbone.

Function and Biology Annotations from the GeneOntology database. Only terms that fit at least two of the interacting proteins are shown.

Molecular function:

DNA-binding transcription factor activity DNA-binding transcription factor activity GeneOntology

metal ion binding metal ion binding GeneOntology

Biological process:

response to stress response to stress GeneOntology

Cellular component: not assigned

Structure Summary Structural annotations of the participating protein chains.

Entry contents: 2 distinct polypeptide molecules

Chains: A, B

Notes: All chains according to the most probable oligomerization state stored in PDBe were considered.

Number of unique protein segments: 1

Chain A

Name: Transcriptional regulator

Source organism: Rhodococcus jostii

Length: 146 residues


UniProtKB AC: Q0S6D0 (positions: 4-146) UniProt

Coverage: 97%

Chain B

Name: Transcriptional regulator

Source organism: Rhodococcus jostii

Length: 146 residues


UniProtKB AC: Q0S6D0 (positions: 4-146) UniProt

Coverage: 97%

Evidence Evidence demonstrating that the participating proteins are unstructured prior to the interaction and their folding is coupled to binding.

Representative domain in related structures: Winged helix DNA-binding domain (MarR type II) transcriptional regulator

Evidence level: Indirect evidence

Evidence coverage: Only some parts of the structure participates in mutual synergistic folding.

Complex Evidence:

Thermal unfolding measured with circular dichroism of the MarR family protein, HucR, suggested two-state model of unfolding (PMID:15448166). Also, a decrease in pH induced a molten globule-like state, where the protein remained in dimeric form (PMID:27282811). Helices 1, 2, 6 and 7 form the dimerization subdomain, they form an apparently stable dimer interface that preconfigures the DNA recognition HTH subdomain for DNA binding (PMID:16750221).

Chain A:


Chain B:


Surface and contacts features:

Related Structure(s) Structures from the PDB that contain the same number of proteins, and the proteins from the two structures show a sufficient degree of pairwise similarity, i.e. they belong to the same UniRef90 cluster (the full proteins exhibit at least 90% sequence identity) and convey roughly the same region to their respective interactions (the two regions from the two proteins share a minimum of 70% overlap).

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